A backdrop for our best work

By Lauren Cook, Founder + Lead Strategist

On December 31, 2023, my favorite local coffee shop closed its doors for good. As epitomized in the essay I wrote about it two years ago (see below), this place was more than a purveyor of caffeine for me. (I actually ordered more decaf lattes than regular!) 

As I reflect on the new year, I’m wondering about the backdrop where I will do my best work in 2024. Where will I reflect, dream, collaborate, and celebrate? These activities will most likely be spread among various places, instead of happening in one reliable scene. But the important thing, as far as new year’s intentions go, is to seek out environments with the space, light, air, and energy to find myself “surprised by the possibilities.” 


More Than a Coffee Shop 

January 2022

Like millions of Americans, when the monotony becomes too much, I break free from my home office, pull the laptop bag onto my shoulder and head to my office-away-from-home coffee shop. Ah, the coffee shop… where the smell of the fresh brew gives me fresh perspectives, and the chatter among the patrons makes me feel a little more alive and a little less virtual. Especially during the pandemic, the coffee shop became a place I visit to feel back in the swirl of society. Where I go to feel nourished, by lattes and quiche, by fresh scenery and humanity. 

I’m loyal enough that it actually is a place where “everybody knows [my] name.” And I know theirs. But it’s more than that. While I do frequent my coffee shop to work (I remember the chair I sat in to write the script for my most meaningful project), I also go there to catch my breath, meet a friend, or even celebrate. My daughter’s very first outing from the house when she was 3 weeks old was to the back patio of this coffee shop, where my best friend held her while we slurped and chatted - our version of a “sip and see.” 

I spent most of a recent short sabbatical from work at my coffee shop. I read, journaled, wrote, and allowed myself to dream beyond my small and structured life. I wrote down my values, goals, what I needed and wanted out of life. I had never done that before! (Have you?) I read things that weren’t required for work, got inspired, wrote, and read some more. 

I discovered this poem by A.R. Ammons and pondered it: 

don’t establish the



the squares, triangles,


of preconceived 


and then


life into them, trimming 

off left-over edges,

ending potential: 

My coffee shop is the place where I don’t have to fit into a box “of preconceived possibility.” Where I am free enough to let the unplanned, unfettered, and unproductive ideas and dreams present themselves. Where is that place for you? Perhaps the next time you sip your latte with your laptop open, ready to be “productive” and have a “successful” day, take 10 minutes to sit, think, dream, and let the world speak to you. You may be surprised by possibilities without edges waiting for you to take notice. 

Lauren enjoying the spaciousness of sabbatical at Pacha Organic Cafe, Austin. Circa September, 2021. 


Storytime at the furniture store


What is a communications strategy?