Our Approach: Connective Storytelling

All of our work begins with listening – to individuals, teams, and the people most impacted by an organization’s work.

We work from input to story, with a focus on authenticity and truth.

Everything we do, from research to strategy development to content production, is in support of making connections. We believe when organizations are more connected to the people they serve and the issues they represent, they have better outcomes, more motivated teams, and higher engagement with target audiences.

Connective stories have a positive impact on: 

  • Individuals who are connected with the work (staff, board members, supporters) 

  • Communities who are impacted by the work (story contributors, voices from the field) 

  • Fundraising sources who support the work 

  • Organizations and teams who do the work

  • The issues organizations stand for. Connective stories can inspire action and change.

“Authentic connections can spark social transformation.”

Our Services

Strategy Development

It’s one thing to create content and hope it resonates. It’s another to know how your messaging aligns to your goals and how it tracks with strategic audience groups. We work with teams to connect intentions to impact.

Research Communications

Data is only compelling if stakeholders understand it. We work with communications and research teams to humanize and communicate research for desired impact. We also design and conduct qualitative and quantitative research so clients may better understand and engage with their beneficiaries.

Presentations & Workshops

Does your group or team need a kick start to implementing strategic storytelling? Our team can customize presentations and workshops to address your needs and inspire your people.

Policy/Advocacy Communications

We bridge the gap between policy/advocacy goals and the communications strategies that will best meet those. This requires a nuanced understanding of impact and the broader landscape.

Story Production

Sometimes, we deliver communications strategies and our clients take it from there to produce content. Other times, clients look to us to lead production on projects that inspire target audiences and increase impact. To do that, we collaborate with creative experts in the following areas:

  • Writing

  • Photography

  • Video

  • Data storytelling

Our Approach to Story Creation and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Connecting Our Stories is grounded in the belief that authentic storytelling begins with listening to the individuals most impacted by an organization’s work. Our approach to listening to and learning with the individuals we feature (what we refer to as Connective Storytelling) is inspired by the concept of Appreciative Inquiry (Cooperrider, 1990). We approach our projects and interviews with the perspective that everyone is worthy of sharing their story, has wisdom to share, and has a role in making positive change. We do not deny the serious challenges faced by those we work with (often caused by systemic racism and other systemic failures), but we choose to build on strengths to co-create a better future.

Ready to connect your story?